Pladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano
Izdelek št. | 81140, 81240, 81340 |
Opis |
Pladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano |
Zmogljivost | / |
Material | PP |
Velikost izdelka | 35 * 27 cm / 14 * 10,5 € 41,5 * 31 cm / 16 * 12â € 45,5 * 35,5 / 18 * 14 € |
*Pladenj za serviranje s hitro hranos are the ultimate functional tool for using in fast food restaurants, cafeterias, diners and snack bars. Molded of lightweight plastic in a variety of colors, these affordable trays are designed to both serve food promote self-bussing.
* Pladnji imajo na vrhu vzorce, odporne proti praskam, ki zagotavljajo drsenje površine za zmanjšanje drsenja in razlitja. Čas je v večini živilskih obratov neprecenljiv, zato prihranite čas, tako da kupci sami postavijo svoje mize s priročnimi pladnji!
*The SUNNEX Pladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano is made of PP , it easy to carry and durable use with light weight.
*SUNNEX Pladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano provides 8 color and 3 sizes for choose of the fast food PP tray
· Primerno za dom, kavarne, šole in restavracije s hitro prehrano itd.
·Zložljiv za prihranek prostora, ko ga ne uporabljate
·Vzdržljiv, enostavno opran
·Stranski ročaj olajša prenašanje
·Barva: črna, bela, oranžna, rjava, rdeča, siva, zelena, bordo
Garancija:SunnexPladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano ima enoletno garancijo.
Potrdilo:IS09001 & BSCI
Uporaba:SunnexPladenj za serviranje s hitro hrano is uporablja se v gostinstvu, restavraciji, hotelu, bifeju, zabavah in porokah itd.
Pakiranje:Standardni paket SUNNEX ali paket po meri.
Način prevoza:po morju, zraku, hitri in železniški progi.
Plačilo:30% T / T vnaprej, 70% ravnotežja pred odpremo
SunnexProducts Limited continually adheres to the fine traditions: Honesty, Innovative Products Designs and Supreme Quality and Service. Sunnex’s steady and secure operation enables Sunnexbrand to gain valuable support and trust from our customers.
To withstand the intense competition in the market, we enhance our competitiveness by exploring new markets and developing new products. We always bear in mind the need of our customers and the expectation of end users to optimize our product design and service. In addition, we emphasize on thorough market research and comprehensive coverage of our supply chain to provide practical and efficient solutions to our customers. By implementing these strategies, Sunnexhas achieved mutual benefits with our customers.
V naslednjih 10 letih predvidevamo vrsto sprememb v industriji gostinske opreme na Kitajskem. Sunnex kot več kot 40-letna profesionalna blagovna znamka mora iti v korak s časom in si prizadevati za odličnost.